When child custody or child safety becomes an issue or concern we conduct investigations about the people in your child's life.

In certain personal and legal matters, monitoring a person's behavior and activity may be necessary to uncover information.

No matter what your situation might be there is most likely a way to discover the truth in an investigation.

An investigation to attempt to discover the truth by monitoring a person's behavior and activity, and obtaining evidence to prove your suspicions.

The evidence is established by obtaining photograph or videotape activity.

* Child left alone

* Child left with someone else

* Ex-Spouse drinking Alcohol

* Child Not being taken care of left to play on a Tablet

* Illegal activity or drug use

* Has your child become a (happy meal kid) ex-spouse gets them a happy meal and considers that proper nourishment?

* Spousal Investigation

* Legal surveillance to discover parent or guardian activity.

*Please note that all investigations regarding children or spouses are with the consent of the parents through legal investigative channels.